Tag: Egoism


On Selfish and Selfless Readings of Buddhist Scripture

In Indian religions and philosophy, mokแนฃa โ€“ the escape from the cycle of death and rebirth (saแนƒsฤra) and, thereby, the liberation from suffering (dukkha) โ€“ is (typically) the ultimate goal of (oneโ€™s/my/your) life. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other schools of thought disagree about various details โ€“ Buddhists prefer the term nirvฤแน‡a instead of mokแนฃa, for example โ€“ but all accept a version of the doctrine that right (non-) action leads to good karma, which leads to better rebirth, and ultimately to mokแนฃa. That ultimate goal is a selfish goal, however โ€“ the ultimate aim of my right (non-) action (regardless...