Tag: Stages of the Anthropocene Revisited Series

Climate Change

SotA-R-10: Combined Models 4 and 5 Suggest 62% Change of Exceeding 3Β°C of Average Global Warming

(This is part 9 of the β€œStages of the Anthropocene, Revisited” Series (SotA-R).) The previous episode in this series explained a few problems of the last iteration of the model used to better understand feedbacks between climate change and socio-political and economic circumstances (i.e. β€œModel 4”). Additionally, in another recent post, I mentioned that the relation between atmospheric carbon and warming is probably better treated as linear, with time lag explaining the discrepancy between a linear equation and the current level of warming. Furthermore, that post also addressed the issue of tipping points (and other neglected feedbacks), leading to an...